女兒的中秋節家課是畫一個燈籠。在指導她的時候,我問 她想要甚麼燈籠,她說:「要畫一隻兔仔。」我說:「好, 你畫。」於是,她畫了一張圓圓的臉後,說不像兔子。我說: 「好,你覺得像甚麼?」她說:「像一隻貓。」我說:「就畫 貓。」於是她加入耳朵,加眼睛。她說現在像 A 夢,於是 她填色,並加入牙齒。我看見有牙的 A 夢,問她:「為何 A 夢有牙齒?」她說:「A 夢要食月餅。」

孩子創作時需要家長支持,不批判是最好的支持。看到有 牙 A 夢,我會心微笑了。

My daughter’s Mid-Autumn Festival homework was a lantern drawing. While instructing her, I asked her what kind of lantern she would like. She said, ‘I want to draw a rabbit.’ I said, ‘Okay. Draw it.’ So, she drew a round face and said it didn’t look like a rabbit. I said, ‘Okay. What do you think it looks like?’ She said, ‘Looks like a cat.’ I said, ‘Draw a cat then.’ So she added ears and eyes. She said now it looked like Doraemon. She then coloured it and added teeth. I saw a Doraemon with teeth and asked her, ‘Why does Doraemon have teeth?’ She said, ‘Doraemon wants to eat mooncakes.’

When children create, they need parental support. The absence of judgment is the best support. Looking at the Doraemon with teeth, I smiled knowingly.



