
留在家中女兒經常呼叫 :「好悶呀!」這時她便會邀請我玩尋蛋遊戲:一人三隻蛋,分別在客廳或房間收放好,然後到對方的空間尋找,最快找到便勝出,然後重複十次,玩足一年。


‘Ready, one, two, three, smile’ This is the last thing you do to get a child’s natural smile, as there is nothing more boring than listening to parents’ instructions.

My stay-at-home daughter often protests, ‘So bored’! At a time like this, she would invite me to join an egg hunt: each person hides three eggs in the living room or bedroom, and then goes to each other’s space to find them. The person who can find them faster wins. This is to be repeated for ten times. We played this for one whole year.

In the game, both get the chance to decide which space the other person uses this time, e.g. a place that is ‘not too difficult’ or ‘a bit difficult’. When one of the persons fails to find them, he or she can ask for clues, but she always tells me not to speak. I think the real game lies in the swap of identities and the reversal of the instructional role.



